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Montezuma News
March 27, 2024
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Kokanee Salmon Giveaway in Dolores
After spawning kokanee salmon from McPhee Reservoir, Colorado Parks and Wildlife gives away salmon that otherwise would die in the Dolores River. Parks and Wildlife have been doing these giveaways since the 1990s. Two more giveaways are planned for November 2nd and November 9th. Hopeful recipients should line up an hour before the start time, as the salmon runs out quickly. By Ilana Newman. This story is sponsored by the LOR Foundation and Blondies Trophy Room
March 27, 2024
Local Cyclist Celebrated with Peloton Party
Cyclist Sepp Kuss played an integral role in Jumbo Visma’s historic dominance of the sport’s three grand tours. He topped it off by winning the Tour of Spain. Durango honored its native son with a party, including live music, a downtown bike parade, and a live Q&A session. American cycling fans flocked to Durango for the event. By Connor Shreve. This story is sponsored by Kroegers Ace Hardware and Sky Ute Casino
March 27, 2024
Halloween Happenings and PCC President Announces Retirement
The Piñon Project is hosting Pumpkin Fest on Saturday, October 28th at Montezuma Park starting at 9 a.m. with a 5k Zombie Walk. On Tuesday, October 31st, the Mancos Public Library invites you to enjoy a chili dinner at their pre-trick-or-treating event. Fenceline Cider will be hosting a costume contest at 5 p.m. that evening. In Cortez, the Chamber of Commerce has coordinated a Safe Stops trick-or-treating route with stops at over 20 businesses from 4 to 6 p.m. on October 31. The Cortez Walmart will also be hosting a kid’s safety event from 5 to 7 p.m. The Dolores Public Library invites Harry Potter fans to join them October 31 at 4 p.m. for A Night at Hogwarts. Pueblo Community College president, Dr. Patricia Erjavec has announced her retirement after a 22-year career with the Colorado Community College System. By Rachel Hughes.
March 27, 2024
Keeping Community Front and Center
This past September, Pueblo Community College Southwest moved back into the Commons Building in Durango from its Durango High School location. The move will provide more opportunities for community involvement between the school and Durango, as well as provide opportunities to expand existing programs and add new programs. At a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the move, PCC staff and administrators expressed excitement about the move and the opportunities now available to the school and its students. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Happy Pappy’s Pizza & Wings and Tafoya Barrett & Associates
October 18, 2023
Are you looking for something fun on a Friday Night?
Dancing with the Durango Stars is an annual fundraiser for the Durango Derailers’ Patient Assistance Fund. This couple’s dance competition is choreographed by Leslie Carlson and is one of Durango Derailers biggest fundraising events and a whole lot of fun! In the fund's 17-year history, they have fund-raised over $1 MILLION in aggregate support. This fund is available to children and families living in SW Colorado to help with travel expenses when they need to go to a pediatric hospital or pediatric specialist for a higher level of pediatric specialty care (outpatient or inpatient). The fund provides gas cards and hotel assistance. By Kristi Dean and Andy Wingerd. This story is sponsored by Sky Ute Casino and Kroeger’s Ace Hardware
March 27, 2024
Montezuma County Non-Profit Gearing Up For Fundraiser
Local, youth-based program coordinator, School Community Youth Collaborative hopes to hold an outdoor gear sale later this fall. The non-profit is taking donations for the sale through October 25 at three locations in Cortez. You can donate any used outdoor and recreational gear, including soft goods, at WildEdge Brewing Collective, Crossfit Cortez and the SCYC office. By Connor Shreve. This story is sponsored by TruWest Auto and Southwest Health System
March 27, 2024
Cheer on Runners and Celebrate All Things Apple
The Mancos Cowboy Half Marathon and 5k is Saturday, October 14. Proceeds go to the Mancos Public Library where the race will commence at 8 a.m. The Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project invites you to bring friends, family, lawn chairs, and apples to their Orchard Social and Fall Heritage Apple Tree Sale on Saturday, October 14th. The pre-event eclipse viewing will begin at 9 a.m. followed by food, live music, and apple-themed fall festivities from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This week in Cortez, learn how to save a life with free overdose response training on Saturday, October 14 and free suicide prevention training on Tuesday, October 17. By Rachel Hughes. This story is sponsored by Choice Building Supply Ace Hardware and The Lor Foundation
October 11, 2023
Merely Players Open Season with Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Merely Players brings Shakespeare to life for modern audiences and contributes to a thriving local theatre scene in Durango. Talented actors, artists, and technicians in the local community come together to create collective art that celebrates imagination, innovation, and creativity. Merely Players has a diverse and interesting season ahead in 2023-24, kicking off with a Shakespearean classic, the Bard’s final play, The Tempest, showing from October 6th - October 15th at the Merely Underground in the Durango Tech Center. By Jessica McCallum. This story is sponsored by Tafoya, Barrett & Associates and Kroegers Ace Hardware
October 11, 2023
October Viewings and Fashion Fundraisers
Southwest Colorado is listed as one of the top areas to view the solar annular eclipse on October 14th, and popular viewing spots are filling up. Cortez Public Library invites you to join them for free popcorn and movies. Tickets are still available for the Pretty in Pink Fashion Show with the Cancer Resource Alliance later this month. By Rachel Hughes. This story is sponsored by Keesee Motor Company and FASTSIGNS
October 11, 2023
Agrivolatics Could Be a Solution for Solar Controversies
Residents in Montezuma County and surrounding areas are frustrated with solar development in the community. They cite loss of views, loss of wildlife habitat, land degradation, and construction noise and dust as main concerns. But, agrivoltaics, the combination of agriculture and solar, could provide a potential solution for concerns and give farmers another source of income. By Ilana Newman. This story is sponsored by Boon’s Family Thai Barbecue and Northern Edge Casino
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