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Montezuma News
February 10, 2021
Montezuma County Invests $165K in Fairgrounds Kitchen
Take a look at the recently remodeled commercial kitchen at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds. Commissioners and fairground staff hope the facility will draw a more diverse set of special events to the county.
February 6, 2021
Cortez and Montezuma County Agree to Fund Fiber Optic Project
When workers and students in rural Southwest Colorado were sent home during last spring's pandemic shutdown, the lack of broadband access hit home hard. And it may have prompted the City of Cortez and Montezuma County to jointly fund a $600,000 project to extend fiber optic cable south of town.
February 4, 2021
Healthy Living: The Eat Less, Move More Myth
Cutting back on what you eat and getting more exercise to lose weight doesn't necessarily work. Dr. Ashley Lucas, founder of PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition, explains that losing weight is a far more complex nutritionally than the simple bromide suggests.
February 3, 2021
High-Tech Procedures Make Cataract Surgery a Breeze
When your focus and eyesight deteriorate suddenly, it may be because you've developed cataracts. That means you need to have the lenses inside your eye replaced. But not to worry. With laser surgery and other technologies, replacement is a breeze, and your sight will improve immediately.
February 3, 2021
Montezuma County Asserts Jurisdiction over Historic Roads
If an old wagon road, mule-train route, or trail existed before the U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management were established, does that make them public rights-of-way open to travel now although they're on federal land? That depends.
January 29, 2021
Southwestern Cowbelles Quilt Is History on Display
Tickets are now on sale for the Southwestern Cowbelles annual quilt raffle. Although the quilt is 'brand' new, the brands sewn into the fabric represent generations of cattle-ranching history in the region.
January 28, 2021
Massages Are Good for Pets, Too
A Mancos man says that energy therapy and massage are as good for your dogs as they are for humans, and his 21-year-old dog is his best case study.
January 29, 2021
Historical Photos Capture Four Corners Life from a Hundred Years Ago
A box filled with large-format film and glass-plate negatives shot by an unknown photographer reveal what life was like in the Four Corners a hundred years ago.
January 21, 2021
Dispatchers' Calm Helps Save Two Lives
Two Cortez Central Dispatch operators recently received commendations for helping their callers administer CPR to unresponsive victims, and their calm instructions helped to save lives. Sponsored by Big-O Tires of Cortez.
January 21, 2021
Growth, New Flights on Airport Agenda
A new pilot fills the seat as director of the City of Cortez Municipal Airport, and he says the airport can play an important role in the economic development and growth of Montezuma County.
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