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Mancos Wants Your Opinion, Don Coram Challenges Boebert


U.S. Congressional Rep. Lauren Boebert has launched an attack campaign and website accusing primary challenger Don Coram of corruption; Coram fights back.This story is brought to you by FASTSIGNS and the law firm of Downs, McDonough, Cowan and Foley

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Colorado Parks and Wildlife says feeding wildlife could kill them. State Senator Don Coram challenges incumbent congressional representative Lauren Boebert. And the town of Mancos wants your feedback about its future. You're watching the "Local News Roundup" brought to you by Fast Signs of Durango and the law firm of Downs, McDonough, Cowan, and Foley. I'm Wendy Graham Settle. Colorado Parks and Wildlife warns residents to refrain from feeding wildlife this winter. Not only is the practice illegal, it could kill the very wildlife you're trying to help. Deer are best able to survive winter conditions when they don't have additional food because their digestive systems gradually adjust to the sparser food conditions. Providing a sudden source of food, such as corn or bird seed can shock the deer's digestive systems and can cause damage to their stomachs so that they struggled to digest their normal diets. Wildlife have been known to die of starvation because they could not digest their natural foods as a result of interference from the human provided food. Feeding wildlife also can attract prey animals like mountain lions or coyotes. For more information, visit and search feed wildlife. Former Republican State Senator Don Coram announced his bid earlier this month to unseat incumbent Lauren Boebert in the Republican primary race for Colorado's third congressional district. And within 10 days of his announcement, the Boebert Campaign launched a series of attack ads, accusing the well-respected State Senator of corruption. Don Coram served as a Republican State Senator for Colorado District 6, but lost his seat to redistricting. Coram, a rancher and native of Mantrose County is known for his ability to work across party lines to benefit his rural constituents. In the attack ads, Boebert who has built a far right conservative reputation for wearing guns to campaign rallies, her outspoken support of former President Donald Trump, and her virulent attacks on Democrats and liberals, accused Coram of using his office to pass hemp legislation that would benefit his company, Paradox Ventures. And line his pocket with millions of dollars. Coram called the allegations lies and pointed to a number of false claims and facts in her allegations. Including her deliberately misleading statements about his financial status. Coram is not a millionaire. Boebert defeated Republican congressional incumbent Scott Tipton from Montezuma County in the 2020 primary race to win the congressional seat in the general election. To learn more visit If you live in the Mancos area, the town of Mancos wants to know what you think about its future. The town's planning commission has launched an online visioning questionnaire about growth, economic development, infrastructure, and other municipal topics to guide its work on updating the town's comprehensive plan. Survey results will be used to rewrite a new vision statement and set new goals and strategies to guide future decision-making. The plan was last updated in 2011. Visioning workshops be convened through the winter. To take the survey visit Deadline to weigh in is January 31st. Thanks for watching this week's "Local News Roundup." I'm Wendy Graham Settle.


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