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Generation Wild Day Inspires Parents to Keep Kids Active

June 21, 2023

Montezuma Inspire Coalition is hoping hopscotch helps hone the organization's summer campaign aimed to get kids outdoors. An upcoming art market aims to celebrate native artists and culture across the Four Corners. The 93rd Ute Mountain Roundup saw some all-time event performances. By Connor Shreve. This story is sponsored by Blondie’s Trophy Room and Big O Tires

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Canyon of the Ancients Visitor Center & Museum -

Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo -

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The officials start to summer is prompting a push to get kids outside. Art demonstrations, cultural lectures, hoop dance performances, and music. Highlight the upcoming Four Corners Indigenous Art Market. The 93rd Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo gave us plenty to cheer for. You're watching the Local News Roundup, brought to you by Blondies Trophy Room and Big-O Tires. I'm Connor Shreve. Montezuma Inspire Coalition is taking part in the push to inspire kids to get outside. June 21st has been Generation Wild Day in Colorado since 2018. It was then Governor John Hickenlooper's proclamation to highlight the campaign by Great Outdoors Colorado to get Colorado Kids Outdoors. The movement is based on numerous studies showcasing the increasing difficulty of getting kids active, as well as the health risks associated with a stagnant lifestyle. This year's campaign, Share This Wonderful World, aims to reach parents across Colorado and remind them that they're their children's most important role models. One study from the University of Minnesota found that kids of active dads were 3 1/2 times more likely to be active, and 2 1/2 times more likely if they had an active mom. Nine generation wild coalitions, including Montezuma Inspire Coalition, scattered hopscotch courses across the state. Keep an eye on social media to see where those hopscotch tracks are located. The Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center and Museum will host the Four Corners Indigenous Art Market on Saturday, June 24th from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The event presented by the Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance, celebrates native artists and culture across the Four Corners, including art demonstration and cultural lecturers, hoop dance performances and music by Ed Kabotie, Twin Rivers, Hunter RedDay, and more. Organizers are applauding another successful Ute Mountain Roundup Rodeo. The stars in attendance did not disappoint, setting new arena records, much to the enjoyment of fans. Current PRCA World Bull Riding number one, Ky Hamilton, set an arena record with his 91 1/2 point ride on Powder River Rodeo's bull number 958G. Seven time PRCA World Bull riding champion, Stetson Wright chased him with an 87 1/2 point ride. They were the only two riders to cover their bulls. Churchrock, New Mexico's, Kadin Jodie roped her calf in a remarkable 2.1 seconds. Wright called the community feel of the rodeo special. And finally, as temperatures are on the rise, a reminder not to leave dogs in cars. Even when the outdoor temperature is just 70 degrees, the interior temperature of your car can reach 104 degrees in just 30 minutes. Witnesses who see an unattended dog inside a car on a hot day are instructed to call 911 and stay with the car until law enforcement arrives. Learn more about this and other stories at Thanks for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup. I'm Connor Shreve.


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